In recent years with the development of laser technology the production of ultra short Intense Laser Pulses with field strengths comparable and even exceeding the inner atomic fields has become quite usual.Atoms and molecules exposed to such laser pulses exhibit a numbers of striking non linear phenomena. One of the important ones is above-threshold ionization, i.e. the absorption of more photons.Then necessary for ionization and high-harmonic generation(HHG) , which has become a potential method to produce coherent radiation with wavelengths reaching into soft X-rays region. Further it turns out that in super intense laser fields the atom can be stabilized against ionization due to drastic change of atomic structure. This structure however, is completely different from the ordinary atomic atomic structure. Such man made matter can be tailored to specification, using the light intensity, frequency and polarization as experimental knobs. Further at high intense fields, the dominance of light forces over atomic rigidity can also be used to force an atom or molecule into desired state, useful for specific purpose such as emission of hard radiation, or dissociation into certain set of fragments.
Recent developement of variety of neutral traps e.g Magneto-optic trap (MOT), Dark Spontaneous force optical trap (Dark-Spot) etc. has led to produce ultra cold and dense samples of atomic vapours leading to Bose-Einstien Condensation (BEC) . Bose condensation occurs when the mean particle seperation is comparable to the thermal de broglie wavelength and is manifested by an abrupt growth in the population of the groundstate of potential confining the gas. Since the experimental observation of BEG, the study of their dynamical properties has become a very active field of research.
The cooled sample of neutral atoms has been used in many applications such as Ultra high resolution spectroscopy , measurements of extremely long spectroscopic processes , generation of squeezed light , optical lattices, or atom manipulation and interferometry.
The Radiation emitted by astrophysical objects like Stars , Nebulae , Supernovae, the Interstellar medium etc. yields important information concerning its temperature, surface gravity and chemical composition.Lot of data is being obtained on these objects using ground based facilities,unmanned and manned spacecrafts,satellites and rockets with high resolution spectrographs and telescopes on board.The Hubble Space Telescope (HST),Solar and Heliospheric observation satellite(SOHO) by ESA and NASA are the most recent examples in this endeavour which provides the best available data to earth's station.The challenge of interpreting these data has led to new areas of research in Atomic and Molecular physics.
Not only this,accurate atomic and molecular data is required for understanding earth and sun atmosphere and high temperature plasma coming from fusion type of reaction in Tokomak-Proton resulting in excitation,ionization,dissociation and recombination.In ionization processes there are direct and indirect ionization like excitation ionization.There are similar processes like excitation ,ionization and recombination,dissociation produced by photon also.For heavy particle collisions charge transfer,ionization,excitations are important.In low temperature plasmas,especially energy/momentum transfer between neutral hydrogen and ions and molecules are important.
The field of chemical science is witnessing a revolution.From elementary reaction dynamics to protein folding,new physical tools are being exploited to study molecular structure and dynamics in chemistry and biology.The great advancement in both spatial and temporal resolution,down to the atomic scale,provide new opportunities to elucidate the nature of elementary processes in complex molecular systems and to relate dynamics and structure to function in real systems at the most fundamental level.From these studies one can also get the knowledge of the internal motions of molecules which is critical to understand reaction rates,reaction product distributions,molecular spectra and photochemical processes occuring in the highly energetic and reactive molecular species.
The conference will focus on chemical dynamics and molecular modelling,including the quantum theory of chemical reactions and theory of inter molecular energt transfer.In both areas of chemical dynamics the main question of concern is the flow of energy,where does it go,how long does it take to get there which has direct application in the petroleum and chemical industries.
We will try to bring together theoritical and experimental groups doing chemical dynamics using ultrafast techniques,including lasers,x-ray diffraction and electrochemistry to understand the complexity of real systems in nature,it is quite important to bring scientific talents of various multidisciplinary research groups for biological,electrochemical,organic,inorganic and chemical physics disciplines to one platform having direct application in industries and environmental sciences.Computer Molecular Modelling is emerging as an important field for new drug designs having applications in pharmaceutical industries.
These days the appearance of an ozone hole over Antarctica is the first evidence of Industrial problems which includes Global warming also.The widespread phenomenon of acid rain and growing evidence of health problems caused by urban pollution have attracted world-wide attention from both social and political commentators.It was reflected in the first global treaties attempting to regulate the production of chemicals that were believed to be detrimental to earth's environment.
Environmental Science embraces many areas of 'traditional Physics and Chemistry' particularly through the adoption of tools developed in well established fields that may be adapted for the study of specific environmental issues e.g. the use of high resolution laser system for probing Troposphere pollution. In the present conference we will discuss both theoritical and experimental technique e.g. electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) developed by Atomic , Molecular and Chemical Physics Research community which are being used for environmental studies e.g the study of global ozone depletion and study of collision dynamics of the stratospheric spieces Ozone,OClO.Cl2O,nitric and sulphur oxides.
The high performance computing has now become one of the essential tools for carrying out frontier technology research and developement in the field of Atomic,Molecular and Chemical physics(AMCP) 'State of the-art' work example accurate close-coupling calculation will be shown using PC to Supercomputers. Further use of information and technology (IT) for making and keeping, WORLD DATABASES will be discussed for use by researchers in various disciplines.
Other use of AMPC is in molecular modelling for new durg designs and fast analysis of petroleum products using efficient 'state of the-art' techniques.
Work related to charge particle accelrators will also be presented with emphasis on electron-beam accelerators, which has proven applications in pharmaceutical industries. The 10 MeV electron beam will have sufficient range to sterilize 400 mm thick packing of medical products. The 15 KW electron beam power will be sufficient to sterilize 1.0 ton per hour of medical products. This will be sufficient to cater to the needs of any developing country pharmaceutical industry. Similarly 15 KW electron beam has sufficient range of radiation for processing 2.5 to 40.0 tonnes/hour of agricultural products depending on the types of products.